1. Overall API flow
Generally, API calls are divided by 3 groups:
Authorizing-related - provides authentication token to access further API calls.
Discovery-related - provides credentials to target VPN node.
Tunnel-related - manages actual wireguard tunnel
Please, take a look to next diagram to get actual requests sequence.
2. Errors
2.1. Generic description
All errors are returned with meaningful HTTP error code and JSON body with more detailed information. For example, syntax error will return HTTP 400 error with next body:
Copy {
error: "Invalid request",
details: "invalid character '\\n' in string literal"
Check table below for fields description.
A predefined set of strings, identifying the type of happened error. See below all types.
More detailed error information.
Some extra information about error.
2.1. List of errors
Any unexpected behavior of backend components.
Invalid request data, like syntax or type errors.
Managed entity is not found (for example, when ping request is done for outdated peer).
Can't create entry due to conflict. Can happen when wireguard key is already used.
Internal storage failure.
Tunnel management failure.
Request requires authorization.
Request can't be done with provided authorization data.
Out of resoures to perform request.
Happens with request is done while service is shutting down or restarting.
3. Authorizer API
3.1. Authorize client
URL: https://thefend.com/api/client/signin
Method: POST
Authentication: None
Query string: None
Request body: JSON
Schema Description Example
project*: string
client_platform*: string
client_version*: string
device_id*: uuid
auth_type*: string
auth_info*: string
Client platform (i.e. ios, android, etc.)
Version of client application release (i.e. 1.2.3)
Authentication information
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy {
"project": "FendVPNTestProject",
"client_platform": "iphone",
"client_version": "1.0.1",
"device_id": "f7df7c7a-3569-401c-b612-f49b775bb19e",
"auth_type": "firebase",
"auth_info": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c"
Response body: JSON
Schema Description Example
access_token*: string
refresh_token: string
discovery_addresses: [uri]
JWT token, used for all further operations with backend
JWT token, used to get new access token.
Array of URLs for requesting locations and node credentials.
Fields, marked by * are required.
If refresh_token is not specified, you should use authenticate again to get next token.
If discovery_addresses is not specified or empty, you should keep using same base URL (i.e. https://thefend.com) for discovery requests.
Copy {
access_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjBmNmQwZGFiLWU0NzgtNGQ1Ni1hZGJhLTU5M2ZhYmE4ZTRhYiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ2cG4tbm9kZSIsImV4cCI6MTYyNDk0OTk0NywianRpIjoiNTUxNzYyODQtZDdkZS0xMWViLWE2NDUtMDI0MmFjMTIwMDAyIiwiaWF0IjoxNjI0ODYzNTQ3LCJpc3MiOiJUZXN0UHJvamVjdC1BdXRoLTEtMiIsIm5iZiI6MTYyNDg2MzU0Nywic3ViIjoiRmVuZFZQTlRlc3RQcm9qZWN0L2ZpcmViYXNlL0pvaG5Eb2UifQ.REIfc3DB4e4pU7GyNU7vmJfsJBDu-0PLghV06KIdEM0Vhg4jVFA4MzgRU_j151PrAalSrpj0gLJGW8qZfqSLyDshRQCjgKYEt_X5PmNVkFmAjUz6hwCBJ8tMRxfhG2vcG1WZF80aTLLx6LQ0NwGT6hfAYEemzAecVwvnTuE1BQow3c1T71uZSByLDP1WAa0ZYnNZjceOGeikSXK5RtHogSyZkud7zfi_dKhDzW8Pgd_06HYEmexogv3LMpbJ0NY0nrRnxqPlJ1-uqQ6OIktQe1RvLe7BTGBthp_wrAv3Z9YdGSzJrlJhr1hg6qTzzdo0UHdvCpMeIun8bpr7OWVEIg",
refresh_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjBmNmQwZGFiLWU0NzgtNGQ1Ni1hZGJhLTU5M2ZhYmE4ZTRhYiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJyZWZyZXNoIiwiZXhwIjoxNjMwMTMzOTQ3LCJqdGkiOiI1NTE3NjI4NC1kN2RlLTExZWItYTY0NS0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjQ4NjM1NDcsImlzcyI6IlRlc3RQcm9qZWN0LUF1dGgtMS0yIiwibmJmIjoxNjI0ODYzNTQ3LCJzdWIiOiJGZW5kVlBOVGVzdFByb2plY3QvZmlyZWJhc2UvSm9obkRvZSJ9.GbhbrSxLcoj7yJFQnh1Pq2_3OXMnffihRaRyOsHay8RLyZzwHTpHN_uEcT-5z7l_kbrcWWMuswChrnt6zYuzzMa_qPFXpSIwkf3xXrFOr4Og-wLQqsy6Uh7-hJB546mMt-bT7tCFXZbNRtCm_lzIW6mPAcIJtofJsqSPaFL-xWrJEl0m4vRNV4NusGwlCuE7uvjQPLUF5gS98QLLWNWyHipVWxjSEK57I0ngrsOU7b4jETHxtgYYQ_O2S5GoOUe0YrwYFkrKP1LB3eE_aAw-toOJSP6eVm_Y345MBVJj8NcGa3Kbdm5SzZhHs2P-ZoKc8Yp2FdiFPyCq6VDmQ2PyXw",
discovery_addresses: [
4. Discovery API
4.1. List locations
URL: https://thefend.com/api/client/locations
Method: GET
Authentication: Bearer
Query string: None
Request body: None
Response body: JSON
Schema Description Example
id*: string
name*: string
labels: {}
Response contains an array of locations. User should choose one before connect.
Location user-friendly name.
Map of location labels, if specified.
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy [
id: "US",
name: "United States",
labels: { },
4.2. Get location nodes
URL: https://thefend.com/api/client/credentials
Method: GET
Authentication: Bearer
Query string: location=<LOCATION_ID>
Request body: None
Response body: JSON
Schema Description Example
id*: string
connection_addresses: [string]
Response contains an array of a server nodes in order to try them. I.e. application should always start from first entry in array, if it's failed - go to second, etc.
Server unique identifier.
Fields, marked by * are required.
If connection_addresses is not specified or empty, you should keep using same base URL to establish tunnel connections. This can happen when you use demo backend.
Copy [
id: "US",
name: "United States",
labels: { },
5. Tunneling API
5.1. Initiate connection.
URL: https://some-server-name.thefend.com/api/client/connect
Method: POST
Authentication: Bearer
Query string: None
Request body: JSON
Schema Description Example
type*: enum
info_wireguard *: {
public_key: string
identifiers* {
installation_id: uuid
session_id: uuid
location: string
Tunneling type. Only wireguard is supported now.
Wireguard-specific connection information.
Client wireguard public key.
User-specific identifiers.
Application installation ID. Generated during
installation or first application startup.
Session ID. Generated every time when user
starts connection.
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy {
"type": "wireguard",
"info_wireguard": {
"public_key": "ljs1lRH1YtZPlppYl1gQVX+JTNmTQsX57cIDf7oB6Qc="
"identifiers": {
"installation_id": "d1a1b2e2-d84b-4537-9a93-c4d3cd412598",
"session_id": "de9e0337-fb16-4669-b07d-9f261c329461"
Response body: JSON
Schema Description Example
info_wireguard: {
server_public_key*: string
server_ipv4*: ipv4
server_port*: integer
tunnel_ipv4*: ipv4
keepalive*: integer
allowed_ips*: [string]
dns*: [ipv4]
ping_interval*: integer
Wireguard-specific connection information.
Server wireguard public key.
Client in-tunnel ipv4 address.
Wireguard keepalive interval.
Zero means no keepalive.
List of allowed IPs in terms of
wireguard configuration.
List of DNS addresses to use.
Interval to do a heartbeat request.
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy {
info_wireguard: {
server_public_key: "b0o7b8vXx9EH3uLJucOJUed0slvSppv7RCmC8jXRr1o=",
server_ipv4: "",
server_port: 3000,
tunnel_ipv4: "",
keepalive: 60,
allowed_ips: [
dns: [
ping_interval: 60
5.3. Heartbeat request.
URL: https://some-server-name.thefend.com/api/client/ping
Method: POST
Authentication: Bearer
Query string: None
Request body: JSON
Schema Description Example
installation_id: uuid
session_id: uuid
Application installation ID. Generated during
installation or first application startup.
Session ID. Generated every time when user
starts connection.
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy {
"installation_id": "d1a1b2e2-d84b-4537-9a93-c4d3cd412598",
"session_id": "de9e0337-fb16-4669-b07d-9f261c329461"
Response body: None
5.3. Drop connection.
URL: https://some-server-name.thefend.com/api/client/disconnect
Method: POST
Authentication: Bearer
Query string: None
Request body: JSON
Schema Description Example
installation_id: uuid
session_id: uuid
Application installation ID. Generated during
installation or first application startup.
Session ID. Generated every time when user
starts connection.
Fields, marked by * are required.
Copy {
"installation_id": "d1a1b2e2-d84b-4537-9a93-c4d3cd412598",
"session_id": "de9e0337-fb16-4669-b07d-9f261c329461"
Response body: None